Terms and Conditions
• Cancellation fee is 100%• Overtime (if available) is charged at 20% of day rate per hour or part hour until 11pm – unless booked in advance.• Subsequent hours charged at 40% of day rate per hour or part hour – unless booked in advance.• High powered lighting charged at £0.50 per K per hour.• Colorama charged at £4.00 per meter• The Company will ensure that all floors in the access areas are protected from dirt and damage, with appropriatecovering e.g. Correx on hard floors, pads on heavy tripods, and matting under tracks.• All doors and banisters must also be covered with protector if moving large objects through the property.• Equipment and/or props are to be delivered and collected on day(s) of shoot/event unless prior permission has beensought.• For shoots/events of over 50 people, the rental of extra toilets is a mandatory charge.• Storage of anything is at the clients risk, and may be subject to additional charges.• Any information regarding the shoot/event that has not been disclosed prior to this agreement may lead to asuspension of the shoot/event and a reappraisal of the fee.• Any disrespect shown to the First Option team, our security guards and/or our neighbours will not be toleratedand may lead to a suspension of the shoot/event.• Noise cut-off is 23:30 (Fridays and Saturdays only). Failure to abide by this will result in the police being called.• On completion of the shoot/event, the studio must be put back as found to avoid a charge.• Anything more than four bags of rubbish/recycling must be removed by client.
1. This agreement between the Company and First Option Studio sets out the terms and conditions by which the companywill be permitted to use areas in and around the location for filming or photography for the above named production.2. The Owner warrants that s(he) is fully entitled to grant to the Company the above facilities and that no further consentsare necessary.3.The Company and it's authorized persons shall have permission on the agreed date(s) to enter and use those areas of thelocation as agreed between the Owner or it's nominated representative and the Company at their own risk, save in respectof death or personal injury caused by negligence of the owner.4. No exterior filming or photography of either the premises or the immediate surrounding area must be done without priorpermission from the Owner or it's nominated representative.5. These terms and conditions may be extended for any further period that the Owner or it's nominated representative maypermit for the completion of the production.6. The Company shall ensure that the Location is left in the order that it was found, and agrees that it shall be responsible forany loss or damage directly resulting from its use of the location, and will pay the costs of making good any damage or lossto the property arising out of the facilities granted to the Company.7. The Company will indemnify the Owner or it's nominated representative against all actions, proceedings, costs, claims anddemands against the Owner or it's nominated representative in respect of Death or personal injury and/or loss/damage to theproperty arising directly or indirectly out of the activities in connection with the production.8. The Company will provide adequate insurance for it's crew, and for public liability insurance and shall provide evidence of thatinsurance if requested by the Owner or it's nominated representative.9. The Owner or it's nominated representative reserves the right to refuse entry to the Location unless all terms and conditionshave been fully complied with.10. A recce is recomended prior to the shoot. On signing this agreement the Company accepts that the Location is suitable fortheir production. No responsibility for changes in the Location from either previous visits or images can be accepted.11. The Company has no obligation to use the material filmed/photographed on location or to provide any screen/printed credit tothe Owner or it's nominated representative.12. The Company agrees that the material filmed/photographed on location will not be used in a manner that may bring the Owner,it's nominated representative or the Location into disrepute or be defamatory of them.13. This agreement shall be interpreted in accordance with the Laws of England, whose courts shall have exclusive Jurisdictionover any disputes in respect of its subject matter.14. This agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties relating to its subject matter.