Terms and Conditions
WHILE IN THE STUDIOPLEASE RESPECT THEFOLLOWING RULES:• No Smoking in the studio,please use outside space• Food or Drink is only tobe consumed in the barand client balcony• No naked flames• The main entrance doormust be kept closed at alltimes• Children must beaccompanied by an adultat all times• Please do not arrive morethan 5 minutes beforeyour session startsIf you have not used the studiopreviously, you will be required tohave an induction to ensure thatyou use the equipment safely andcorrectly. This will take place at thestart of your session and will take nolonger than 10 minutes.SET UP AND TAKE DOWNTIMEThe client must include set up andtake down time within the hoursbooked to avoid overtime charges.The studio must be left in a cleanand tidy condition or a cleaning feewill be charged. If you run over yourbooked hours an over time fee willbe charged.PAYMENT ANDCANCELLATION POLICYYour booking will only be confirmedon payment received. Any ‘extras’e.g. Colorama, additionalequipment or further hours willhave to be settled on the day ofyour booking. We require 7 daysnotice to postpone or cancel yourstudio booking, or 100% of the totalbooking fee would apply. All studiobookings must be paid by in full inadvance. Simulacra Studio will alwaystry to accommodate changingschedules and will be happy torefund or postpone any shoot ifcancelled or rescheduled in respectof the above notice period.RESPONSIBILITYFor the duration of your booking,the upkeep of the studio and allequipment is your sole responsibility.BREAKAGES ANDINSURANCEWe are insured for accidentaldamage to equipment, and we alsopick up the cost of any reasonablewear and tear. You agree to takeevery step to ensure that ourequipment will not be damagedthrough your use.If you are booking the Studio andLights only, you must confirm thatyou know how to use theequipment safely and competently.A full equipment check will becarried out by our staff both beforeand after your session. If youdamage any equipment, space,feature and fitting you agree to payin full for any damage induced oneither equipment or property.We strongly recommend that youtake out Insurance for Public Liabilityto cover both yourself and anyoneengaged with the shoot. Those usingthe studio for commercial use musthave Public Liability Insurance. Anyclaims for injury should be settledthrough the Photographers owninsurance. Any person hiring or usingthe studio agrees to exclude thestudio from any claims for injury ordamage caused by those personsusing the studio. Any photographerusing the studio agrees to coverthe cost of repair of any equipmentdirectly damaged by them or anymember of their party.Sodium Burn Creative cannot be heldliable or responsible for any eventoutside of it’s control that may affectyour studio session – such as powercut, flooding, storm damage etc.